News 8 October 2020

Mitie works with Vodafone UK to reduce its carbon footprint by 25,000 tonnes and save 100GWh of energy in three years

  • Mitie已经帮助沃达丰英国公司节省了超过1000万英镑的能源
  • Range of energy management solutions key to the savings
  • 在封锁期间,建筑物的快速休眠有助于最大限度地减少能源消耗

Mitie今天宣布,它支持沃达丰英国公司减少碳足迹, saving 100 gigawatt hours (GWh) of energy, equivalent to 25,000 tonnes of CO2, in just three years. The energy saved could power a town with a population of 65,每年可节省约1000万英镑. The energy savings were achieved by optimising heating and cooling systems in offices and managing air flow to keep technical sites cool in the most energy efficient way; and were validated by third-party energy auditor EEVS.

Mitie与沃达丰英国公司合作,将节能作为其能源绩效合同的一部分. So far, Mitie and Vodafone have audited 90 of Vodafone’s buildings, including offices, contact centres, data centres and Mobile Telephone Exchange (MTX) network sites, to assess energy usage and ensure efficiencies.

The audits checked that a building’s lighting, 供暖和空调系统以最高的能源效率等级运行. At more complex locations, 例如数据中心和MTX(移动电话交换)网络站点, where 24/7 power is essential to keep the network running, 传感器提供实时数据,用于识别节能机会. For example, 数据中心的温度传感器可以远程自动调节气流的上下, 以最节能的方式确保这一关键设备的正确环境.

In offices and call centres, 空调系统中的传感器实现了“动态控制”,因此可以远程控制空气温度,并根据天气和条件调整速度. Mitie已经支持沃达丰减少在周末和银行假日开放的大楼数量, making significant energy savings. During the Covid-19 lockdown, all but essential technical staff were moved to home working, meaning more buildings could be hibernated.


Mitie可持续发展和能源澳博官方网站董事总经理Pradyumna Pandit表示:

“这是一个里程碑式的节能项目,减少了惊人的25000吨二氧化碳2 由于Mitie和沃达丰英国团队的合作,这项技术得以实现. Thank you to our energy managers, sustainability experts, and colleagues on the frontline, who have all contributed to this achievement. 我们很自豪能够帮助英国企业实现雄心勃勃的环境目标,并期待继续与沃达丰英国公司合作,帮助其实现下一个节能目标.”

Scott Petty, Chief Technology Officer at Vodafone UK, said:

“Not everything we’ve done here is revolutionary; we’ve achieved these staggering savings by doing the basics well and making energy reduction something we think about each and every day. 再加上我们承诺到2021年使用100%可再生电力为我们的网络供电,并通过我们的连接和物联网技术帮助我们的客户减少自己的碳足迹,这将确保我们正在帮助建立一个更可持续的未来.”

In February, Mitie launched Plan Zero, 它致力于到2025年实现净零碳排放,并支持其客户实现自己的可持续发展目标. Mitie has worked with Vodafone UK for 10 years, providing integrated facilities management including cleaning, security, engineering, 为全国各地的所有地点提供景观美化和前台澳博官方网站.

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