我们的清洁 & 卫生澳博官方网站 & 环境

清洁, 安全的环境对于保持客户和员工的生产力和健康至关重要.

We pride ourselves in offering the UK’s widest capability of self-delivered cleaning services, providing assurances to our customers that their environments are exceptionally clean, through an outstanding value for money service that enhances their performance, 认知与声誉.


Our team of experts deliver thorough kitchen deep cleans for commercial and industrial kitchens, 清除积聚在厨房和食物准备空间周围的油脂沉积物中的细菌和细菌,以确保厨房的所有区域都符合严格的法规.

Alongside our kitchen deep cleans we offer a duct cleaning service that can remove the dirt, 这些管道里的碎片和易燃物质, 延长设备的使用寿命,确保您的厨房符合政府法规.


是零售业和物流业的重点区域, we supported our customers to ensure their cold storage facilities remained operational.

在这些温度控制的环境中, 多亏了里面物品的性质, only specific cleaning products can be used to not disrupt or affect them.

利用专业产品, our specially trained 清洁 Operatives keep these essential facilities 安全 and germ free.


通过精确的方法, 我们的生物技术人员在无尘室里清洁所有表面, 包括天花板和地板, 确保所有表面都适合环境.

实现特定产品, 我们的团队使用强效抗菌剂,以确保最大限度地去除细菌和颗粒. 确保正确使用, 我们的生物技术人员在被允许在洁净室环境中工作之前,都在实践环境中接受了培训和测试.

The inside of a sterile white room, with an employee dressed in white PPE cleaning one of the walls


The products and chemicals created within laboratory settings can be particularly sensitive, often required an environment with a level of cleanliness that far exceeds the usual standards. 因此, 实验室环境的清洁尤为重要, 需要一丝不苟的过程,以确保区域符合现场工作所需的严格要求.

通过精确的方法, Mitie生物技术人员清洁实验室的所有表面, 包括天花板和地板, 确保所有表面都适合环境. 实现特定产品, 我们的团队使用强效抗菌剂,以确保最大限度地去除细菌和颗粒.


我们理解在食品和卫生领域, QHSE and 卫生 standards are business critical when it comes to cleaning. Our LiveSafe standards ensure we always put health and 安全ty first with every customer. 我们以最安全的方式提供高质量的解决方案,并始终坚持精益六西格玛能力,不断提高运营效率.

Our dedicated management team has extensive 专业知识 in food standards, 确保在任何与食品卫生有关的地方,我们都根据HACCP(危害分析和关键控制点)和COSHH(危害健康物质控制)的原则开展工作。, in line with current legislation and cleaning and manufacturing requirements.


里面装有各种电子设备, 必须使用正确的设备和产品. 通过我们训练有素的专家, 我们自己提供数据中心的详细清理, 使用非静电产品, to ensure they face no down time due to the build up of dust and dirt.

世界比以往任何时候都更加依赖科技, 数据变得越来越强大, maintaining these critical sites is paramount to the operation of the country, 保持他们的清白是当务之急.


Mitie清洁 & 卫生是该国最大的清洁供应商之一. We pride ourselves on offering the widest capability of self-delivered cleaning services in the UK.

Washrooms are an important part of your working environment, probably more than you realise. Your washrooms speak volumes about your organisation and its 卫生 standards, 可能会影响人们对你公司的看法. 提供一个干净的, 舒适和安全的洗手间是你公司最重要的清洁仪式之一.

At Mitie, we provide demand-led, service optimised and smart washroom management. 通过实时跟踪洗手间的使用情况, 我们能够确定何时需要清洗, 以及当时需要注意哪些特定的设施. 为了达到这个目的, 我们追溯安装,费用自理, 通过我们对卓越的投资, a revolutionary PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) system linked to a SmartThings Hub. This simple unobtrusive beacon records washroom usage and footfall throughout the day. 这些数据随后被发送到我们的网络系统, 是什么触发了向我们的员工发送短信,将他们的注意力和资源引导到最需要的领域.

Maintaining a clean 工作场所 for employees not only makes for a healthier working environment, 还能明显提高员工的工作效率, 增加动力,鼓舞士气.


我们为所有类型的办公设施提供这些澳博官方网站, from high street banking outlets to large scale multi-site operations, 还有100万平方英尺. ft. 加上蓝筹股和公共部门的单个站点. 在每种情况下,每个建筑物和位置的单个业务需求可能有很大不同, 从历史性的完成到最先进的设计, and our broad range of skills and experience enables us to provide solutions for all needs.

我们的清洁专家和行业领先的解决方案可以确保您所有的IT设备得到有效的清洁和净化,而不会中断员工的生产力或干扰操作, ensuring this equipment can continue to be the 科技nological backbone of your business.

We complement this with our CitroxProtect wipes to enable your staff to treat their own
IT equipment or personal phones, ensuring that their equipment is sanitised. Thanks to the pandemic, touchpoint surfaces at your location face more scrutiny than ever before. 确保高接触区域的安全是现在的首要问题, 然而, 一个可能被忽视的领域是自动取款机. 无论是内部还是外部, ATMs remain a high-traffic area for your colleagues and the public alike, sometimes acting as the only point of contact between a customer and your location. 与多个用户在快速连续, 保持自动取款机的清洁和消毒,以防止交叉感染是一个全面的清洁解决方案的关键因素.

Our dedicated teams across the UK ensure that any ATM on your premises remains clean, 安全, 和保护, 保证你已采取一切必要措施保护同事和公众.

我们提供专业的高压喷射清洗澳博官方网站, with variable pressures to cater for all building and material types, 从更精致的澳博官方网站到受保护的建筑.

我们所有的清洁专业人员都接受过我们所有压力过程和设备的全面培训, 为他们提供相关知识,以应对他们将遇到的不同建筑和表面, and providing you with assurances that your buildings and properties are in 安全 hands.


We offer a variety of window cleaning options, including traditional window cleaning, reach & wash systems (utilising a pole through which pure water is fed to a brush at the end), abseil (otherwise known as ‘rope access’ and performed by highly-trained specialists,移动高架工作平台(MEWP), and cradle cleaning (utilising a suspended cradle that descends down the face of the building).

Our ongoing investment in the latest equipment and utilisation of new 科技nologies, now sees 80% of our commercial window cleaning work being carried out by ladderless cleaning, 访问系统占15%, 只有5%的人使用传统的梯子式工程.

We are a repeat award-winner of ROSPA’s Gold Award for health and 安全ty in the 工作场所, 证明我们有能力提供卓越的清洁澳博官方网站,同时维护同事的健康和福祉.

我们有/ 2,500名合资格在高空工作的同事,在多个界别提供广泛的清洁澳博官方网站.

Our trained colleagues deliver solutions including builders and process commission cleans, 太阳能电池板(PV)清洁, 排水沟和屋顶, 内部和外部中庭, 包层和砌砖以及高层窗户清洁.

高水平的清洁工作总是需要训练有素的专家, 我们很自豪能够自行提供解决方案. 通过专家管理和精心规划, 我们确保所有的高空作业都符合业界的最佳做法,并符合所有规定的法例.

作为内部配送澳博官方网站, carpet cleaning is one of the most important elements of a comprehensive cleaning solution, 地毯上经常有污垢, 细菌或过敏原,如果不及时治疗,可能是有害的.

我们提供各种专业的地毯清洁澳博官方网站,根据您的业务和地毯的具体需求量身定制, 包括洗头, 臭虫封装, 热水萃取, 也是最可持续的选择, 蒸汽清洗.

我们为所有类型的办公设施提供这些澳博官方网站, from high street banking outlets to large scale multi-site operations, 还有100万平方英尺. ft. 加上蓝筹股和公共部门的单个站点.

经常被遗忘在清洁的世界里, 停车场是顾客对你的第一印象, 第一印象很重要.

不管是难看的涂鸦, 丢弃的口香糖, 或者油渍, 我们的停车场清洁专业人员配备了多年的户外清洁实践经验,以保持您的停车场外观. 除了, 维持这些重要的收入流对于吸引客户和确保回访至关重要.

不管是独立的停车场, 多层, 地方议会, or a shopping centre in need of a comprehensive car park cleaning service, 我们有专门的人员, 专业知识, 以及帮助你维护它们的设备.

一项经常具有挑战性的任务, 我们的专家有广泛的专业产品和解决方案,以协助生物危害清理. 从安全处置和清理针头和用具, 铁路事故和事故后的清理工作, 我们的专家知道如何敏感地处理各种情况.

公众和人民的安全是至关重要的,这就是为什么我们的生物危害清洁小组的工作人员都配备了所有正确的个人防护装备, appropriate biohazard cleaning products and equipment to keep them 安全, 同时进行公开对话,以确保他们充分意识到他们可能需要协助的情况类型,并舒适地提供这些澳博官方网站.

Discreetly and efficiently cleaning in these situations is difficult, 但我们训练有素的工作人员确保全面有效地进行清洁,以确保尽快恢复正常澳博官方网站.

随着大流行和随后的封锁导致越来越多的房屋长时间无人居住, 工作场所和财产遭受恶意破坏和涂鸦的风险从未如此之大, 不雅的图像和信息可能会对企业的形象和声誉造成重大损害.

Graffiti can prove particularly troublesome to remove 安全ly without harming the underlying surface. 我们的专家团队配备了各种解决方案, including lower pressure systems for areas needing a more delicate touch, to remove graffiti regardless of the material or surface that they are on.

受铁路网信任, 我们的专家确保任何难看的涂鸦被迅速删除,而不会扰乱您的业务和操作.

我们有技术高超的特工提供脱衣舞 & 密封解决方案,保护您的地板免受磨损和痕迹,可以从经常使用和高流量区域积累. 在涂上一层保护地板免受日常使用的磨损的密封剂之前,对地板表面进行深度清洁, our strip and seal solutions can drastically improve the condition and appearance of your flooring.


如果你想了解更多信息, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, 那你来对地方了.

Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.

如果您有供应商查询,请访问我们的专用门户网站 www.mitiesuppliers.com